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V-Kitty- New style of cat(optional!) and coming soon!

Posted by katmeow11 on August 30, 2008

Hello, I’m here to bring news about vkitty, with a new style of cats! This is an optional change I will state at first, and you don’t have to have it. I will start with an apology, I really needed to write this a week or so ago, But real life issues came up, and I’ll stay busy the next week to month, but I’ll keep you up to date. Alright I’ll show you the image of the old one, thank you to nightgunner5 (Ben) for the screenshot of both the old and the new cats. To the left there is a picture of the old version, personally, my favorite.

Now to show you a picture of the new cat. Which will be to our right. It is a bit more blendid but the shadowing is off, as it resembles a bevel instead of shadow. The eyes seem to be very odd and scary in my opinion, and I do not like them. The colours seem to be a bit burned on the new one and the old one looked a bit better colourwise. Thats about all I have to say about the new and old. Now for the future updates…

Currently we are thinking about inventories and shops, later, clothing. Clothing will be a massive update. So massive.. well… We don’t know yet. We promise to make them good though! I’ve come up with an idea that I have yet to suggest to Ben, that is related to the cat-generator, I’ll let you guys be the first to know.. This may or may not happen – What about a clothing generator? The main thing would be 500 for a shirt, shorts, skirt, ect. or 700 for pants, long skirt, sweater, ect. and each new pattern would be 50-100CC each, up to 5 patterns. I believe the collar/hat/earring/ect would be seperate. This would save us hours and hours of work on adding each seperate combination and making each seperate picture. Won’t that be a relief! But I haven’t suggested this to Ben. I will the next time I see him. The Inventory feature is working now, and its very neat, you click the item in your inventory and a box comes up.

This is a screenshot of the inventory and the popup box, to the left is the inventory, and the right is a picture of the popup box.  I think this is a very nice design. Good work Ben.

Well thats about all I have to say, enjoy, see you next time. Thanks for reading!~Kat

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99 Runecrafting and Barbarian assault.

Posted by katmeow11 on August 23, 2008

Hello again, once again I’ve set a goal, this one larger than others. I’ve been wanting a 99, and a ton of people complained that ’99 fletching is to noobiesh’, and that a trimmed fletching cape is so rare… OK. I’ll get something better, well they thought fletching, cooking, combatals, and that stuff was to noobiesh, I’ve had enough, and I’m going to get a 99 that takes alot of time, patience, and work. 99 Runecrafting. Lance and I had a long conversation of 99s, he had chose mining as his 99 he was getting, I was amazed at his work, in my opinion – Mining&Runecrafting are the two longest skills to train. Well I didn’t want to mine all the way to 99, I don’t enjoy mining all of my time on runescape, so that was off the list. Lance suggested prayer, but theres no way you can even make your money back, it would take 5 million coins for me to get 70 prayer, from 70 to 99, well…. a ton. Although the prayer cape is beautiful, the emote is grand, and just using the prayers is awesome. But, no way to make money, I’m poor, and can’t make but about 100k per day. So I decided runecrafting. Well, I knew with all my heart that all of the B&Bers would pick on me, make stupid bets, and then ruin me again, as they did with the rest of my goals. I’ve tried 99 fletching, they said I wouldn’t get past 85, I’m 92. I tried 99 hunter, said I would quit before 50, I’m 56. I thought (didn’t try) about getting 99 in fishing. Well this time I can’t bail out, I made a blog post about it. To my lovely readers – come to my house in real life and murder me if I bail out before level 91. At 91 theres no way I’m bailing. I have made a few bets with a friend and he now owes me 3 hours per day of runecrafting or barbarian assault (which I will explain later), so I should get my plan to work. My plan would be to get 50 using the ZMI, then play the minigame to get a ton of tokens, I’ll spend them on the nature altar and/or the law altar tablets. Nature for 91+ and law from 54+. I don’t know exact plan, but I think I’ll do mainly the ZMI unless my friend is not there – then I have to use abyss because I get beat up to much at the ZMI without my friend tanking. Now onto the barbarian assault.

Originally the only reason I started this minigame was only so I could get the penance gloves, I had my friend teach me how to play and I loved it. I then realized that it was so fun in this game, I’d gather a great team and we would take on the queen – and we did. Sadly, it was to much for some of the lower leveled ones on our team, but they where the best team I’ve had, and I thank them. After I got my penance gloves, my friend told me that I’d absolutely love a fighters torso. Alright, well I’ll do it. I’ve now enjoyed it so much – that I’ve decided to also go and get levels in healing, because healing is awesome. So far I’m only level 2. After I get the torso I’ll keep leveling. Back onto a bit of runecrafting subject…

I’ve been thinking up ideas for a runecrafting outfit.. So far its a spotted cape (can’t wear spottier), boots of lightness, penance gloves, and if in the abyss a runite pickaxe. I’m planning after getting 50 runecrafting to get an omni-talisman and making it into an omni-tiara. This’ll be awesome, if you have any suggestions, tell me. Now after a bunch of research, it looks like I’ll play 1000+ games of The Great Orb Project (runecrafting guild) to get tablets if I do from 50+ using tablets, but I don’t think I will, it’ll take 650 games from level 91 to get 99 using natures & tablets (this research includes the amount pouches hold, summoning not included.) Hmm… I don’t know about that. Might be to hard, might be easier to use the glories&abyss. We’ll find out. Wish me luck in my goals ~Thanks, Kat.

Posted in Runescape | 1 Comment »

New Goal: Raven’s Egg.

Posted by katmeow11 on August 19, 2008

EGG ACCOMPLISHED!!!!!! Check below! Aug-20-2008!

After a while of dreaming of a raven as a pet, on runescape of course, I’ve decided I want to get a Raven’s egg first, before 50 summoning. After much research, I’ve seen the status, the times, the amounts, and the percent of success in different catagories. So far, the most success was found at barbarian assault at the willows, but yet it still took thousands. I’m willing to go to this extreme for a nest holding the Raven’s egg. It is said that the lower your combat and summoning level is, the more easily a chance of getting a Raven’s egg, seeing many level three skillers have more than a single nest in their bank, which their combat is the lowest and their summoning is also. To bad that I’m 86 combat and 32 summoning! But hey, it doesn’t matter to me. I’ll also keep a diary log here, and continue writing on it nightly. Hopefully I’ll have this nest within a few days, and I might get a few valuable levels in woodcutting.

Started goal: 62 woodcutting.
Current: 66 woodcutting.

Day 1. August 18, 2008.
Today I decided to try this. I’ll be working my hardest. Started off in rimmington cutting willow trees and selling to bank, achieved about 2 nests, nothing really good. Researched a bit only to find out that its better to cut in Barbarian Assault. Now I cut there. They where right about one thing! Tons and tons of nests!
Total logs cut (approx): 1103
Total nests: 6
Hours spent: No clue, not many.
62 – 65 wc

Day 2: August 19, 2008.
Today i’ll try using Oaks. Some say its better than willows, other argue its not. We’ll find out.
Update: Tried using Oaks, but came out with like 500+ logs and 0 nests. What a waste of time, are you kidding me? Got to kingdom, made 200k today, and very proud of that, and that was pure profit!!! 😀 Well, going back to willows later. 🙂 I think I’ll finish that theme I need to make for CKF today. See you later.
Total logs: Oak – 100+
Total nests: Oaks-0.
Also got 66 woodcutting on the oaks 😉

August 20, 2008
I got bored yesterday, did other things. today I’ll really start working on it again. A friend of mine told me he got a raven’s egg on the 12th drop from a willow tree in draynor. Strangely with a Ring of Wealth. Strange, huh? Seeing research proves that the ring of wealth reduces chance, but I’ll try it anyways. So far I’m doing good. My 6th or 7th log was a nest. Not egg, sadly 😦
Going to edit in what I’m wearing at the bottom of the post. !Update! Off to EXTREMELY great start!!! I got 3 nests so far in say 10 minutes! Woot!

FORTH NEST CONTAINED THE EGG… RING OF WEALTH HELPED. Thank you to poisson gold for telling me all about that, now I have my egg. Wood cut TOTAL- 1342 willows
Nests: about 12.
Summoning level 32
Woodcutting level 62-66
Location found: draynor willows – ring of wealth, boots of lightness, spotted cape, rabbits foot, rune axe. Woot!

To the side of woodcutting I’ll continue checking my kingdom and collecting my daily sand. Other than that I’ll be woodcutting, possibly taking a break to sell off nests and such for money to fill kingdom (as you know I keep it at exactly 1,000,000 gold in my coffers, thats 75,000 a day)

Thanks for reading ~Kat.

Update: What I’m wearing. Strung rabbits foot, boots of lightness, spotted cape, and rune axe -nothing else unless specified in the post.

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Runescape goals/accomplishments&1 year of runescape!!!

Posted by katmeow11 on August 14, 2008

Yes, it’s been a year. In a few days or weeks, It’ll be one full year of RuneScape!! Although half my runescape time I was only level 20, until my father joined and passed my levels instantly, thats when I started. In December of ’07 I got Runescape Membership, as a birthday present. Since then I’ve been working on levels, and I’ve gotten fairly far. But still, compared to most, my stats are nothing. I’m still poor, and low level compared to most.

Well over to the left is my current stats, all gained in one year, kinda bad. My current goals are:
All stats 50+
99 Fletching
50 Summoning
70 defence
My accomplished goals:
70  attack
85 combat
A max hit of 20 (DBA + Spec)

Not many accomplished, because not many of my goals are skill related. But what goals i do have skill related are hard to get. Wish me luck accomplishign these goals!!!

To the right is my current Runescape Character, usually I have a runite kite shield, but in this case I have a mirror shield, as I’m collecting Summoning Charms at this time. I usually balance my time between my To-Do daily/weekly runescape list, which would be: Tears of Guthix(weekly, tues), Kingdom(daily, keeping 100% popularity and a stable one million coffers.) and skill training plus a small bit of combat training time. Other parts of the time I’m training my other stats. Lately, Runecrafting, Herblore, Farming, and Mining.

To the left is my bank picture, I have collected up a ton of items, mainly trash, but some good.

It has been a good year of runescape, I’ve had bad times, good times, and there will be many more times to come hopefully. I have to give my thanks to RSB&B, without you, I would be nothing. I have had so much fun in this year, I’d say it is one of the best years of my life when it comes to internet. I’ve learned so much, and enjoyed every bit of it. I wish to continue playing runescape and getting better, and hopefully will accomplish some more goals. Sooner or later I’ll also clean out my bank.

oh and, if you are wondering, I have 119 quest points, and 390 songs unlocked. I have every emote unlocked except Zombie Walk, Skillcape, and Air Guitar.I have 1 Million in my kingdom, my Max Hit in Melee is 20, Dragon Battleaxe + spec, max hit in Magic is 25, Iban’s blast, max hit in range is 5, willow shortbow and iron arrows.

Thanks for reading, wish me luck on my new goals&accomplishments. Please Comment on my stats,bank picture, and such. Suggest all you want!!!

I’d also like to thank all my friends for their support. Thanks guys.~Kat.

Posted in Runescape | 1 Comment »

The nursing home is horrible.

Posted by katmeow11 on August 9, 2008

I have quite a few stories to tell about today’s adventure, at the nursing home. If your wondering “why would she go to that place?” it’s ’cause my grandma was in the hospital, and now is in the nursing home for a few weeks or until she has done a bit of rehab to be able to move again, although many times they said she wouldn’t live more than a week, shes still pulling through, and its amazing at times. Now onto those stories…

Well, not much until it came time to leave, first we tried coming in and the door was locked, which brought suspicions of things, but oh well. We should have paid attention to those suspicions. When we where about to leave, first we hear this alarm, alright, its annoying the heck out of me. Someone says something on that system over the whole building saying something about the “hall door”, well we pass that door, Oh my, wouldn’t you be surprised, a guy it trying to escape. Kinda creepy if you ask me. He was stuck and couldn’t get out, He was trying to get there before a nurse or whatever they where caught him. Kinda funny, creepy, and odd, all in one. Oh well, moving on. We started walking through the lobby, this is no big deal, but wouldn’t you believe it… Theres this odd guy sitting there! He started staring at me with these huge, freaked out, blue eyes,so I quickly look away to see….A guy leaning over in his chair, his head on his cane, and I swear he looked dead. Alright, time to get out of that place. Which brings us to the last story… I was walking out, I was the last one, this lady was grabbing for the other door, then when I was walking out she started to grab at the door I was walking out, Ok, so trying to be polite I hold the door open, the nurse or whatever runs up shaking her head no, signaling me to shut the door on her. It felt mean, but I did it. Another one trying to escape.

You know your nursing home is bad when your patients try to escape at every moment possible.
Alright, I’m scared to go back, but my grandma’s there and I’m willing..

Wish me luck~Kat

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All the new things of Vkitty..

Posted by katmeow11 on August 6, 2008

Vkitty has came a long way since the day we created it. I never imagined it would go this far- Everything you can dream of, I put it on a little list, and we start working on it. Slowly but steadily, we make features, and add on to it, and continue, until we have a full feature. It seems not to be as slow as I thought, as I looked back, and wow! Lots of things in just small time. Everyday a new thing is added, and its getting better and better! We started with a simple design, and some ajax, created in a single folder in “Live Mesh” then it went live. After we made it live, it just grew and grew, now we have a nice little site, adding different things every day.

The image to our left is an image of the sidebarm the head of it shows the name, under it shows the picture of the pet, under that shows stats. After the kitten grows into a cat, there will be stats such as “attack”,”defence”, and such. These will be fore battle, which was a very famous feature of the old Vkitty. Young kittens and Old Cats will not have these features, due to young kittens being to weak to fight, and old ones to old, not having the same reactions as a young kit, when they could fight easily, just like normal cats in real life. If you drink a potion called “Fountain of youth potion” (not availible yet) an old cat would turn into normal cat (able to fight) and normal cat would turn into kitten.
Under the stats, there are quicklinks, to the petlist, petsearch, memberlist, membersearch. These would be used to quickly access other people’s profiles. Under all of that, there would be inventory and your amount of ‘CC’. CC stands for Cat Cash, and currently there are no ways to earn this, but we believe that we’ll have games, random events, shops, and more ways to make Cat Cash. The inventory you can push an arrow to see the next item, its only 1 item veiw, and I think that we will make it if you click the item, a box will come up with options, descriptions, and more of the item. Items will be used to feed, equip, heal, and more of your pet. Currently, items are not availible, as there are no way to obtain them, but items do exist, in the database. Other features include the Profiles, it isn’t quite finished, but it shows the owner’s name, owner’s pet name, and a picture of the pet, also including the gender of the pet. There is also administration, only availible to administrators. In the administration control panel, you can see the registered users, and if they are logged in. You can view items (names, descriptions, price, id) and you can add items. There is also a place where you can view news, and add it. News is located on the front page, name of it in bold, then the post. Its a simple, but easy-to-use system! Another one of the cool features we’re working on is the Cat Generator, so far we have the URL code, and SQL code, but not the actual creator, that the User’s can use. But you can still use the URL code. The url for all patterns and colors: http://vkitty.co.cc/getcats.php?color=black&pattern=eyespot,tail,sockfeet,belly,spotted,stripes&pattern_color=white,white,white,white,white,orange&age=kitten

The url is put together like this, the first one “Color=black” thats the main cat color, there is tan, yellow, orange, black, white, and grey. The next “pattern” consists of patterns on the cats. There is eyespot, tail, sockfeet, belly, spotted, skunkstripe, ears, and stripes. After that is “Pattern_color” which is the color of the patterns, the colors are olive, cinnamon, darkgrey, silver, lemon, black, white, gold, pumpkin, brown, and darkbrown. Last, but definately not least, “age”, there is only three choices, Kitten, Cat, and Old. Between these choices you can create millions of combinations – and its quite the good thing. All we need to do now is create the actual generator to make it a ton simplier. Also one thing about this update, gives more than just freedome of choice, and uniqueness, it also gives a better look of cats, unlike the originals. Take a look at this image…

This is the “tabby” with the generator you can create such better images, note the “MS. Paint” feel from this, as it was created with M.S. Paint. Drawn by none other than me, its terrible, the lines are rugged, and it looks so terrible, but with the generator.. You can create so much better! Take a look at that same cat, created with the generator,click here to see.

Note, the lines are much smoother, the black stripes blend in a bit better, the shadowing looks much more realistic, and more. And its still the same tabby – but much better. Plus, its much easier, instead of me spending countless amount of time creating each and every single type of cat, the generator layers it, and its so much easier to make any type of cat you want. I love the generator. I can’t wait until the full easy-to-use one is out, whenever Ben creates it.

Lets talk about upcoming features now, there are so many of them. I’ll describe a few.. There will be the marketplace, with the official shops, such as the “General Shop” holding items such as cat food, cat care items, litterbox, and other common household-pet-care items. There will also be the “Battle shop” holding items such as armour and weapons for cats, but not battle potions, although battle potions are for battle, the potion store will be there for them, because they are potions. The potion store will have other things such as “fountain of youth potion” and “poison” or things like “Healing potion”. There will be multiple things like this. The biggest store theres no question about it, the clothing store, there will be hundreds of different types of clothing, we haven’t even finished adding all the cloths! We have about 6 different main types (skirt, pants, shorts, shirt, sweater, collar), multiplied to about 10 different types of colors (red, orange, purple, pink, blue, green, tie-dye, pokadot, ancient, flower) and that alone is 60 different items, plus other things! Wow! I’m not sure the other shops combined will have the same amount of items and combinations of clothing that the clothes store will have!  On top of the official stores there will be the user-owned shops, where users can sell their own items at their own price. Another way we will make money on Vkitty.  On the quick side of money, there will also be games, a good way to make money. But sadly we don’t know how we will create this because we have no game makers, but we’ll find a way. We could possibly go into the idea of basic, PHP/Text games. But those ain’t that good. We’ll find a way. Other future features include the disown and other-player pet adoption, where you can disown your pet where another person can adopt it, or you can adopt other’s pets yourself. Also, if you do not feed/take care of your pets and the happiness goes to 0% or the hunger goes to 100%, it will run away and go to the pound, and you cannot adopt it yourself again 😦 So don’t starve your pet to death or let him be bored! The last update I’ll bore you with, is the profile preferences update. I’m hoping Ben will create it where you can put your name, nickname, gender, and other things on your profile about you. This is not a promise, but I’ll try for it!

Alright i think thats enough for this post, hope you enjoyed reading about Vkitty current&future features. Enjoy your day~kat!

Posted in Coding/Programming, Websites/Forums | 4 Comments »

“Kinda” new dog..

Posted by katmeow11 on August 5, 2008

Well, you heard it. Yes, its true. I’m not lying. Its true. I might as well explain how I got the darned thing.

My grandma is very sick, and we believe, its the last days. She had to go to the hospital now, and she said to me, “take care of the puppy”, I assured her I would. We brought the dog to the house, and she was automaticly treated like the queen. Well, thats alright.. I’ll deal with it. Always, when we visited grandma, the dog was always treated like the queen, I got no attention, I was not cared for, I was just another person in the world of millions. The dog ALWAYS came first. This made me jealous, it may sound childish, but yeah, I was jealous.

Now that shes at my house, I have to deal with her, I’ll train her, I’ll teach her, and I’ll teach that little queen what a real dog is treated like. Shes gonna be under strict rules, and I don’t care how much she don’t want it, she will be a proper house pet. I won’t beat her or torture her(even though I’d love it.) I’m going to be nice, and sweetly, calmly, and carefully teach her, with light discipline. So far, its working. I’ve taught her how to walk on a leash, by my lead. She put up a few fits, but I kept on, and she realized, just cause she didn’t want to move, didn’t mean I was at her will.

After a day of being dragged through the grass (which I’m allergic to), having a stinky dog in my lap, Petting a stinky dog, listening to a dog cry for attention, and having a freaking creature walk through my house and take over, I’m glad my parents are back so they can love on that lazy excuse for a dog.

Lets try to say something nice for a change…
….That’s a bit hard! Well, only one thing I can truthfully say good, That my cat, Tiger, and my dog, Stitch, shall have fun with their old buddy. Because long long ago, when Tiger and Stitch could go to grandmas (about a year or so ago) Angel, Tiger, and Stitch enjoyed playing together.

I don’t have any pictures of the dog, but shes curly haired, black, and small. My cat is *bigger* than her. But of course, hes a bit bigger than most cats. I’ll try to get some pictures, check back soon.


UPDATE! Pictures.

Good news – Grandma might be coming home from hospital, and finally the dog might be going home. So I will be happy. But, who knows. Grandma could get sicker and have to stay, or get better and get to come back. Who knows.

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For all the idiots who hate me out there.

Posted by katmeow11 on August 1, 2008

Now that I have a blog I can finally post this…
Originally posted on RSB&B Click Here.

Now, I can retype all of that and make a bit more sense..

Now, I’ve always loved places where you can communicate (Blogs, Forums, Chats, Games, Ect..) but always some how theres this little group of children who seem to just purposely try to make me mad. Then it seems usually they bring their little kid friends in it to make me look like an idiot, when I’m making 100% sense and they are making 0%. So I look like a fool, when its really them. I have heard every name in the book, and guess what, I’ve been called them all, sometimes I’ll be called multiple things in a single sentance. That there is a pure sign – They are an idiot.

Every day I go out to play games, post on forums, check on different chats, and so such, but I try to avoid trouble. But it seems as if trouble wants to follow me around. Like take this for example.. I once went to this game, and went in a room of my own, to make sure I didn’t run into a group that hated me. A few minutes later, wouldn’t you guess who joined my room – The group that hates me. They sayin’ I’m following them, I’ll just tell them “Mind that you came to my room, I stayed away from you, if you don’t like me here, leave. Because I was here first, I’m staying.” Usually, they decide to kick me, because the game is a ‘self policed’ game, only a few administrators play. But when an administrator is on, usually a command to PM them is on my clipboard, because sure enough I’ll always run into trouble.

Lets bring up a few examples of true, just pure hate, idiots.

I’ll call this boy “D”, a few people from the original CKF will know who I’m talking about, but I’m not releasing his full username.  We where good friends, we where very trustworthy of each other, and where administrators on each other’s forum. I played an innocent joke, and did no harm, but he started accusing me of all types of things! Whoa, wait I only played a little joke.. Next thing you know – hes on my forum spamming the snow out of me. Finally, I ban him, by every way possible, but he comes back, again and again, with a different scheme up his sleeve each time, such as spamming my forum with links to his, or creating 50+ accounts per day with inappropriate or rude names. After adding much security he stops bothering us for a while. Then, he comes back after a while. But oh well, once again, same old routine. Once more, he gave up for a bit. Then we upgraded my board to PHPBB3 to move it hosts, and the forum lost 50% of its data, and reverted to half a year before. To bad, so sad. We abandone it, and guess what, come back a few months later, he had been there and left a mark, forget cleaning up, I just put disable board. After I recreated CKF I put a mass email out to notify it was back. I expect to have another fight…

Now you know about D, now I’ll tell you about another, lets call her E. She had a little group that was all around her that loved her, and anything she did, they did. And everyone adored her, thought she was miss princess, Everyone except, me. I got bashed so many times, chewed out, cussed at, got every name in the book. Every day at the least, she would call me an idiotic moron or a retard. I would just call her them back. After a few wars, the owner of the site stood up for me and told her to shut up and calm down. Thank you to him. She just left, she comes on once a year now and comes to bash me more… but, oh well 🙂

Now we move on to this ‘group’ on this ‘game’… I enjoy playing this game, and I will not say the name because I don’t want any haters knowing where I ‘hang’. Everytime I log on, if I go to the same place as them, I get chewed out, and it seems they’ve turned every user in the whole game against me. I don’t know how, but they did. I believe I’ve heard rumors they went under my account and did annoying things to make everyone hate me. Well, I don’t care. I have to go under a different name now, and hide who I am, so I can play in peace, because usually they will go on a ‘kicking’ spree and kick me until an administrator removes their kicking option. Or they decide to just call me names, and tell me to kill myself, or such.. I don’t think I’m ready to give in and kill myself over a game quite yet. Thanks for the offer though.

Now these people are everywhere, I’m just naming some of the top worst. Theres thousands more, but these are my ‘pick of the litter’. These are the ones that have their goal of seriously making me mad, and to some, they just want me dead, off this earth, to end up in suicide, or something, these I believe are just fools, because if someone kills themself over a little threat, thats terrible. Yeah, I am a bit weak to some threats, but as they say “What don’t kill you can only make you stronger” and I’m getting stronger quickly, and now, I really don’t care, Hate me, call me names, I invite you to it. Please, do. Just watch how fast I ignore you.

There’s this thing, its called ‘ignore’, its on most things, so I’ll just use that, and then finally I can have a bit of peace and quiet… and on my own personal forums or blogs – theres ban 🙂 I’ll use that thank you very much.

This was just a random post on people that hate me, hope it didn’t make you bored, but, I wanted to post it. Thanks for reading ~Kat Meow.

Posted in Random Rants. | 2 Comments »

So yeah, I got another blog.

Posted by katmeow11 on August 1, 2008

Been a while since I touched a blog, and now I’m going to just make a new one, so yah, heres my new blog “Kat’s Blog” which is seriously, what it is.

I’ll start working on the theme and the other things soon, and if you’d be patient, I’ll start making long rants and posts about things on everything I can think of. Cause I’ll be up at 12am thinking up things and ranting in my head, so why not put it on a blog.

I’m going to start working on a theme. ‘Cause thats what I do.

As an edit: I’ve selected a theme, updated the header.. how is it? I think i’ll keep going through for better..

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